It’s a familiar concern that many photographers hear, that a couple is upset because their parents want a particular photo during the wedding day and the couple has no interest in that photo. Very often this “most wanted” photo by the parents is sparked by tradition or the belief that there are certain photos that “one must have” on a wedding day. Here&...
Read the rest of this postIf you’re reading wedding blogs like this about hiring a wedding photographer, you may see someone mention that getting the “RAW” files is something you should be interested in having in your package. But what exactly are RAW files and why would you need them? There are some cases where wedding photographers include RAW files, but those instances are very limited. ...
Read the rest of this postPlanning a wedding in another state or country can be a logistical challenge, but it’s more commonly done than you might think. If you’re thinking of planning a wedding back home, or a destination wedding, here are some tips to help make the process a little easier. Consider hiring a wedding or event planner If you are unfamiliar with the area or have no plans to be ...
Read the rest of this postCristiano Ostinelli is a long time ISPWP member, who has consistently performed well in our quarterly photo contests, with multiple wins as "Photographer of the Quarter." In 2017, he reached the pinnacle of the ISPWP by becoming the 2017 ISPWP Photographer of the Year. We asked him a few questions about his work, and we selected a few of his amazing images that he...
Read the rest of this postWedding photographers deal with more than just taking photos on a wedding day. Because they are often with you for the most extended amount of time than other vendors on your wedding day, they get an insiders view into the most intimate parts of the day. Being let into the circle of trust allows the photographer to create those photos that make you tear up when you see them such as ...
Read the rest of this postIf you’ve recently started planning a wedding and are looking for photographers, you might have noticed that photographers may have vastly different price lists. Continuing your search, you may find even more discrepancies in packages and pricing as you interview potential photographers. Comparing photography packages isn’t as easy as putting everything in a spreadsheet ...
Read the rest of this postWhen you are considering hiring a wedding photographer, you may notice that engagement photos are often part of the packages that they offer. If you’ve never considered having engagement photos taken, you may wonder if they are a good idea or not. When photography started, it was mostly studio based because the equipment was heavy and bulky, and exposure times were long req...
Read the rest of this postIf you have used even the most basic of cameras you know that light is essential to the photographic process. When the light strikes the sensor on a camera, an image is created. So how does this translate to your wedding photography? Do you have to have a big open venue with lots of natural light to have photos that aren’t too dark? How do photographers capture those beautiful...
Read the rest of this postHave you ever spent time looking through your parents’ wedding album? It can be so exciting to look through old photo albums, seeing people at different stages of their lives, and even people who are no longer with us. Wedding albums and other photo albums are usually highly valued by families, and they are at the top of the list of things to save in an emergency situ...
Read the rest of this postThe ISPWP is proud to announce the 2017 Wedding Photographer of the Year, and the TOP 100 Wedding Photographers in the World. These year end awards are based on the contest results from all four ISPWP contests during 2017. Congratulations to Cristiano Ostinelli and all of the other winners! ...
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