We asked the ISPWP Wedding Photography Contest judges to pick their five favorite images from the Summer 2019 contest and provide a few comments about the images.
Here are the top images selected by contest judge Ciprian Dumitrescu. Look for more "Judge's Choice" selections coming soon!
ISPWP Summer 2019 Contest Judge: Ciprian Dumitrescu, Bucharest, Romania Wedding Photographer
Image by Steven Herrschaft, Frankfurt, Germany wedding photographer.
This photo is a perfect photo for me because it has everything: humor, composition, perfect timing of the shoot. It makes you wonder and think about what is there and also illustrates a funny story and moment from the wedding day.
Image by Rino Cordella, Puglia, Italy wedding photographer
A timeless but also a different getting ready photo. Beautiful bride, unusual angle of the camera and moment makes this photo unique for that moment of the wedding day.
Image by Fabio Mirulla, Florence, Italy wedding photographer
Perfect portrait of the bride! Colors, happiness and beauty of the bride and also the composition and elements captured make this photo a different way to capture a bride on the wedding day. Usually, the portraits are static but this photo is dynamic and full of joy. It makes you live that moment and have a feeling that you are a part of the wedding party.
Image by Matteo Lomonte, Gioia del Colle, Apulia, Italy
A simple but yet a complex photo of the bride dress. It tells the story of the wedding day when everybody is running against the clock! It has a perfect composition and light and for sure a different look for the classic bride dress photo.
Image by Victor Lax, Barcelona, Spain wedding photographer
For me, kids in a wedding are the salt and pepper of the day. This photo also tells us a story that none of the guest usually sees, how hard it is for the newlyweds to have time for themselves, for the guests and have fun. And usually they forget to eat because of this! :) It's a fun and timeless natural moment and for sure the bride will tell a lot of stories about it to her grandkids.
ISPWP Summer 2017 Wedding Photography Contest Results
Judge's Choice - Favorite ISPWP Wedding Photo Contest Images From Judge Nikola Smernic
How to Get Amazing Bridal Portraits on Your Wedding Day
ISPWP Winter 2023 Wedding Photography Contest Results
Judge's Favorite ISPWP Contest Images From Judges Damiano Salvadori & Donatella Barbera