We asked the ISPWP Wedding Photography Contest judges to pick their five favorite images from the Summer 2019 contest and provide a few comments about the images.
Here are the top images selected by contest judge Geeshan Bandara.
ISPWP Summer 2019 Contest Judge: Geeshan Bandara, Colombo, Sri Lanka Wedding Photographer
Image by Andrey Julay, Saint-Petersburg, Russia wedding photographer
I love how the squirrel has suddenly been made aware of the presence of the photographer with a 'caught in the act' expression. I imagine the photographer had to be very quick to get this!
Image by Pasquale Minniti, Rome, Italy wedding photographer
This photo has lined up perfectly. The timing is just right with the kids popping out of the frame in the patch of light. I like that he's chosen to show us enough of the background and the ceremony going on. I think this could easily work in the humour category as well.
Image by Hendra Lesmana, Jakarta, Indonesia wedding photographer
Humor is easily one of my favourite categories in competitions - and one that I feel is one of the hardest to capture. I love the unbridled creativity of the photographer in giving us something that jumps out and makes us laugh. I almost don't need to mention the pleasing contrast of blues and yellows as a canvas.
Image by Victor Marti, Madrid, Spain wedding photographer
This photo stuck out immediately. I like how the photographer has shown us the repeating pattern of circles with the one rectangle thrown in there - that I almost didn't see at first. The added bonus of giving us context and showing the location through the window is perfect.
Image by Haoce Sun, Wenzhou, China wedding photographer
This is just pure art. The unique perspective, the foresight and decision making from the photographer that went into exposing for the highlights, the leading lines and the pleasing negative space created.
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