
Peabody Library Wedding In Baltimore, Maryland
Posted by Dennis Drenner Photographs on August 30th 2018

I was delighted to hear German being spoken at Sarah and Patrick's wedding. It recalled pleasant memories of my university days studying in Mannheim and hanging out with David Hasselhoff in Berlin (Ok that last bit is a stretch, but we were there at the same time!). I learned that the groom's family is from Germany.  The German word for wedding is "Hochzeit"...

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Basque Country Wedding Photographer: Hotel Marqués De Riscal, Elciego, Álava, Spain - James Sturcke
Posted by James Sturcke Photographer on August 17th 2018

Yesterday I showed images from Linda & Nate’s wedding at Hotel Marqués de Riscal to a film maker who’d seen me at work.  “Ah,” he said, “Now I understand why you spent so much time on the ground.” It’s true! I spend a large chunk of my time at a wedding crouching close to the floor. The knees of my trousers ar...

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Charlotte And Jeremie - Moorea, Tahiti
Posted by Svphotograph on August 16th 2018

This couple take a year to travel the world. Arrived at the middle of their trip, they get married in the little island of Moorea, in French Polynesia. Their family from France came to join them and celebrate this event ! It was their first time there too, as the couple. They choose a wedding planner and Photographers from the island to help them to organize the wedding and we...

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ISPWP Interviews Daniel Dumbrava, Targoviste, Romania Wedding Photographer
Posted by Admin on August 13th 2018

The ISPWP recently reached out to some of the top contest winners of the ISPWP Spring 2018 Wedding Photography Contest. We wanted to find out more about them and their thoughts on photography, weddings, and what makes them tick.  Here is our interview with Daniel Dumbrava, a Targoviste, Romania wedding photographer. Here is how he describes himself: "We believe in a ...

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My Spotlight - Antonio Mise (CROATIA)
Posted by Antonio Mise Photography on August 6th 2018

1. How did you get your start and why did you chose wedding photography as a career? Everything started accidentally, I started as videographer, doing news footages for local Tv station. I was constantly in contact with regular people. Soon after people wanted to hire me to shoot their wedding. I switched to photography almost 10 years ago. But I'll never forget those days, I l...

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Real Wedding - Barcelona - Alex Guydeen
Posted by Guydeen on August 2nd 2018

Classical european wedding in Spain

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ISPWP Interviews Cafa Liu, Toronto, Ontario Wedding Photographer
Posted by Admin on July 29th 2018

The ISPWP recently reached out to some of the top contest winners of the ISPWP Spring 2018 Wedding Photography Contest. We wanted to find out more about them and their thoughts on photography, weddings, what makes them tick.  Our first interview was with Cafa Liu, a Toronto, Ontario wedding photographer. Here is how he describes himself: "I am a photographer. I am a we...

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Real Wedding - Russia, Karelia - Aleksei Gaidin
Posted by Guydeen on July 23rd 2018

German-Russian wedding in the north of Russia

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La Arboleda Del Sur De Hotel Echaurren Wedding Photography - Rioja Wedding Photographer James Sturcke
Posted by James Sturcke Photographer on July 18th 2018

Last night I was watching an interview with the great American photographer Annie Leibovitz in which she says she’s scared of sunny days! “It’s sort of a joke, you know?” she said. “You get there and whoever you’re with says: ‘Aren’t you glad I brought the good weather?’ And it’s like for me, and the kind of wo...

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Posted by 摄影师李佩珊 on July 14th 2018

典礼仪式上新娘对新郎说:“承蒙你的关照,爱了我十三年,从校服到婚纱。希望你永远像宠爱宝宝一样宠爱我,从此我们一房、两人、三餐、四季,余生,你一定要对我好好的。” 这样一段爱情长跑,时间、距离、任何都只会让他们越爱越深,认定你,余生都是你。为爱结婚,一...

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