
Casamento Camila E Nicolas Em Boituva/SP Brasil
Posted by Danielle Silveira | Fotografia on June 23rd 2016

Casamento dos sonhos! Sabe aquele casamento onde tudo é perfeito, o casal , local, a energia que contagia. Assim foi o casamento de Camila e Nicolas, foi com uma foto desse casamento que recebi meu primeiro prêmio de fotografia com muita alegria! Aqui está um pouquinho de como foi e vendo as fotos poderá sentir como foi maravilhoso!

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How To Make The Right Choice For Your Wedding Photographer
Posted by Elena Fedorova Photography on June 17th 2016

Nowadays wedding photography has become an essential part of every wedding, responsible for preserving memories and keeping them safe on photographs. And the person behind the camera is not only a photographer but an artist, whose creativity and mastery will turn these photo memories into a real work of art. I think we all know how it is important to make the right choice for a prof...

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Stolwijk Netherlands Wedding Rosy & Derk By Panpa Martínez
Posted by Panpa Martínez on June 11th 2016

The Gouda Netherlands Wedding of Rosy and Derk, starts really early at Hekendorp with the getting ready of Rosy. Make up in progress by Bijna Niemand from Piura Peru, we was taking about how to come down on this specials day for all the brides. I´ve loved Rosy´s father a gentlemand with all the experience we was talking about dutch culture, listening his c...

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Real Wedding - Chennai, India Wedding Photographer Hi-Q Photographers - UK To INDIA In Search Of Love
Posted by Hi-Q Photographers Pvt Ltd on June 10th 2016

After some heavy downpours,it was great to see the sunshine back in Chennai.The weather giving way to the gloriously beautiful afternoon with brilliant light. Iskcon temple,an amazing place to host a wedding.After the span of six years I got the chance to work with this family again.They are kind to each other,extraordinaryily loving to their family and friends.Adithya and Madvi are...

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Wedding Photography At Hotel Marqués De Riscal, Elciego, Basque Country, Spain - James Sturcke
Posted by James Sturcke Photographer on June 8th 2016

Wedding photography at Hotel Marques de Riscal: Frank Gehry’s spellbinding design attracts couples from all over the world to get married at Hotel Marqués de Riscal in the relatively small Basque village of Elciego, known until recently more for its wine than architecture. Because the destination is so much part of the day it's key for me to includ...

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ISPWP Spring 2016 Contest Results
Posted by Admin on June 8th 2016

The ISPWP is proud to announce the results of the Spring Contest. Congratulations to all of the award winners! Thank you to all of the judges, prize sponsors, and photographers who entered the contest! ...

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Real Wedding - Tel Aviv Wedding Photographer Ori Chayun - Hila & Didi
Posted by Ori Chayun on May 29th 2016

Didi and Hila are a great couple with amazing energy! When I met them at the first time they told me I'm going to deal with very shy couple so I offered them one more shooting day for free in case they will be too shy in front of the camera. I realized very quickly that I'm dealing with a couple that the camera loves them! We had 2 amazing days together and I took with them ...

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Real Wedding - Tel Aviv Wedding Photographer Ori Chayun - Kfir & Sharon
Posted by Ori Chayun on May 28th 2016

Kfir & Sharon's wedding is a story about crazy and funny urban couple who likes to laugh and enjoy life, We had so much fun and we laughed a lot during this day. I'm going to share with you 10% from this amazing day, I hope you'll enjoy. for more wedding photos please visit my international website :

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Real Wedding - Tel Aviv Wedding Photographer Ori Chayun - Peer & On
Posted by Ori Chayun on May 28th 2016

The wedding of On and Peer was one of my first weddings of the 2016. It was great to open this year with a great couple like them. The event took a place in Tel Aviv, The guests were amazing and they cooperated with us in 100% for more wedding photos please visit my international website :

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Casamento Taynã E Júlio
Posted by Guilherme Antunes on May 25th 2016

Meu grande objetivo na Fotografia de Casamento é contar histórias de amor e eternizar sentimentos. Atingir esse propósito em sua plenitude nos cliques que faço é algo que me dá imensa satisfação e motivação para seguir trilhando meu caminho. Queridos Júlio e Taynã, obrigado por confiarem...

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