
Real Wedding In Medellín, Colombia | Miami, Florida Wedding Photographer Luis Cano | Maria & Danny
Posted by Luis Cano Fotografo on February 1st 2016

An excellent couple with very good disposition, are these details that make a wedding unique.  I share few shots of this great day.

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Chesapeake Bay Beach Club Wedding | Baltimore Wedding Photographer Dennis Drenner | Laura & Brian
Posted by Dennis Drenner Photographs on January 29th 2016

Laura and Brian got married on a warm May afternoon at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club on Kent Island, Maryland. Both the ceremony at the reception were held at the club. The ceremony was held on a small lawn with a great view of the bay. The bride and groom are both warm and affectionate people who were a pleasure to be around and lots of fun to photograph -- ton of emotion to captur...

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Real Wedding At The River Creek Club In Leesburg, Virginia
Posted by Dennis Drenner Photographs on January 28th 2016

I've gone through all four seasons with Maggie and Ben now. I first met Maggie in the spring, and then met Ben for their summer engagement session last June. Now I stare out the window at three feet of snow, finally finishing up this post about their fall wedding. Regardless of the season, this couple's disposition is always sunny. Every time I saw them they w...

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Casamento Nayana E Vinicius | Guarulhos - SP - Brasil Wedding Photographer Davi Martins
Posted by Davi Martins on January 26th 2016

Casamento Nayana e Vinicius 16/1/16 Casamento cheio de romantismo, cheio de olhares ...

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Fotógrafo Dá 10 Dicas Sobre Fotografia De Casamento Para Noivas
Posted by Guilherme Antunes on January 22nd 2016

Casamentos desplugados: é preciso proibir convidados de fotografar cerimônia? Por: Guilherme Antunes Uma nova tendência em casamentos começa a despontar no Brasil: os casamentos desplugados.  Se antes a proibição do uso de celulares nas cerimônias era só coisa de celebridade, hoje o ato é cada vez ...

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Real Wedding At Huntsham Court | Exeter, Devon Wedding Photographer Luna Photography | Cecile & Matt
Posted by Luna Weddings on January 18th 2016

A beautiful wedding at one of our favourite Devon Wedding Venues - Huntsham Court with the beautiful Cecile & Matt. This was a very special wedding for us with welcoming and sweet people. A wonderful outdoor ceremony took place and we *just* missed the rain which happened right at the end of the ceremony, it was just a shower though and everyone soon made it back out for the dri...

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Best Wedding Photography Of 2015 – ISPWP 1st Place Contest Winning Images
Posted by Admin on January 16th 2016

The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers (ISPWP) holds a members-only wedding photography contest four times a year. Each contest has 20 different categories, so over the four quarterly contests that adds up to 80 First Place winners for the entire year. (Cover photo by Nico Poblete Fernández) When we say this is the Best Wedding Photography of ...

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Real Wedding - Madrid Wedding Photographer - Miguel Cañavate | Mónica Y Carlos
Posted by Miguel Cañavate Fotografia on January 14th 2016

Mónica y Carlos son de esas parejas que cuando se miran saltan chispas y ves el amor que se tienen el uno por el otro. Hubo una gran conexión entre nosotros y fue la boda que cerraba esta maravillosa temporada que ha sido 2015. Esta pareja, tiene una historia muy curiosa, sólo decir, que sus padres se conocieron antes que ellos ja ja ja.. y desde que se conoc...

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Shibuya,Tokyo Pre-Wedding Photography | Tokyo, Japan Wedding Photographer EasterEgg
Posted by EasterEgg on January 14th 2016

This dreamy couple from Hong-Kong was really cute. They've come to Japan to take pre-wedding photos around Tokyo. Thanks to gorgeous time !!   I would also photo them with my best grateful mind. Since then, we are still keeping our friendship each other and forever. I hope I'd keep track of their long life with warm photographing !!

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Real Wedding At The Arctic Club | Seattle, Washington Wedding Photographer Ben B. Photography | Ryan & Eden
Posted by Ben B. Photography on January 5th 2016

Living in Seattle I do a majority of my weddings here, I do enjoy the occasional destination wedding though. I love the time that I shot in Jamaica. It was a awesome experience. I feel like a bit a family photographer with Eden's family. I've been privileged to shoot a couple of her family's weddings and portraits. So I am glad that she was deadlocked on using me as w...

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