Wedding Photographer N/A Jun 05, 2012 Alvin and Mary
Pre wedding in Paris
Alvin and Tong Tong came to Paris from Singapore to have some gorgeous pre-wedding photos in the capital of lovers. It was their first visit to Europe, therefore I had honor to introduce European traditions and culture to this lovely Asian couple.
Frankly speaking I was a bit excited about this project. But with every chat in Skype we had, I got more and more sure that it would be an amazing pre-wedding photo session in Paris, because guys were so friendly and open, that when we met in Paris, I had a feeling that we knew each other for ages.
At the dinner we discussed the plan and the route of our morning tour around Paris sights. I was pretty shocked when Mary told me about the number of dresses he had brought with. There were three of them, every one with particular shoes and accessories. Bear in mind, that together with Paris they were doing Prague and Vienna.
The day of our pre-wedding photo session in Paris was amazingly warm. It was spring in France with sun and calm streets. Yes, calm streets in the city center. In order to have such an opportunity we got up at five in the morning and already in half an hour were discovering the attractions and views of Paris.
All in all it took us several hours to complete morning plan for the engagement photo session in Paris. The next point was a midday snap and later on – evening part of taking engagement pictures.
The following day together with Alvin and Mary we went to Prague. In Czech Capital we continued European studies through a pre-wedding tour and photo session.
Wedding Photographer N/A Jun 05, 2012 Alvin and Mary
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