London, United Kingdom Wedding Photographer 07444 025633 Oct 13, 2012 Jenny and Mark
When it comes to photographing weddings at epic venues, they don’t get too much grander than a Bath Abbey wedding in the world heritage city of Bath in Somerset, England. Jenny and Mark tied the knot before leaving through the amazing, ancient carved West Door and heading to Parade Gardens for drinks, group photographs and a creative photo shoot.
Unfortunately the weather let us down and we all endured a huge downpour – well this is England! They kept their spirits up and we achieved some lovely photographs in the wet. As well as using the stunning natural light inside Bath Abbey, which included my personal fave of them both sharing a moment in the Lady Chapel. Working as a wedding photographer at Bath Abbey really is a privilige with so many photo opportunities for the couple!
Finally we made our may to their reception in the Ballroom at the Bath Guildhall, before leaving them to dance the night away.
London, United Kingdom Wedding Photographer 07444 025633 Oct 13, 2012 Jenny and Mark
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