Manado, Indonesia Wedding Photographer +62431858666 Mar 17, 2012 Berry and Meidy
I knew Meidy since she was in college, and she was also a wedding organizer. So it was not too much work to arrange this couple. Everything was prepared carefully, so when the most awaited day arrived, we were relaxed without lots of things to be done.
I set up some items to be used, ranging from the clothes hangers, stickers for shoes and still there were many things to add creative ideas to the photographs.
Unlike the usual wedding ceremony in Manado which are filled with family routines, this time the photos were filled with emotion and joy. I was asking for help from friends of the bridegroom for more participation in every photograph. And the results can be seen in the photographs that I have created.
Manado, Indonesia Wedding Photographer +62431858666 Mar 17, 2012 Berry and Meidy
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