Florence, Italy Wedding Photographer
http://www.andreacorsi.biz info@andreacorsi.biz +393387872319 Jul 16, 2011 Stella and Ugo
A lovely day in Siena with Stella, Ugo and their friends! The Tuscan countryside was the main star, along with Stella and Ugo. It was a day full of emotions and I hope that our photos can also show that we had good time together :-)
Florence, Italy Wedding Photographer
http://www.andreacorsi.biz info@andreacorsi.biz +393387872319 Jul 16, 2011 Stella and Ugo
Real Wedding | La Villa Hotel, Mombaruzzo, Italy | by Venice Wedding Photographer Mauro Pozzer
Real Wedding | Galapagos Art Space, Brooklyn | New York Wedding Photographer Dina Litovsky
Real Wedding | University of Michigan Union Ballroom | Lubbock Wedding Photographer Kristin Bednarz
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