Florianopolis, SC, Brasil Wedding Photographer
http://www.fabriciosousa.com.br fabricio@fabriciosousa.com.br +55(48)984078941 Mar 09, 2011 Taisa nd Murillo
Taisa and Murillo had planned this wedding for months and they expected a sunny day, but the wind didn’t allowed us to celebrate in front of the beach. Of course it didn’t spoil all the great feelings that emanated from the family and special selected guests for the occasion. A touching celebration by Luis Guilherme charmed everyone. The love between this couple emanates and is easily felt. A lively wedding party ended with a flourish on this wonderful day.
Florianopolis, SC, Brasil Wedding Photographer
http://www.fabriciosousa.com.br fabricio@fabriciosousa.com.br +55(48)984078941 Mar 09, 2011 Taisa nd Murillo
Engagement session in Myanmar, Brian and Carmen
Winona Vine Estates Wedding - Jen and Steve
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