Essen, Germany Wedding Photographer +49(0)201 450 4709 2 May 03, 2011 Stefanie and Philipp
The season started with Stefanie & Phillip. Because of their jobs they often travel by plane so we had our portrait session in the Frankfurt airport. Thanks to the kind help of the airport, we were allowed in the vicinity of the runway. As a wedding photographer, of course, this is something we don’t have access to very often.
Essen, Germany Wedding Photographer +49(0)201 450 4709 2 May 03, 2011 Stefanie and Philipp
Real Wedding - Saint Tropez, French Riviera - Sylvain Bouzat
Real Wedding | Ediuda Restaurant, Poland | by Lublin Wedding Photographer Robert Maj
Real Wedding | Hamburg, Germany | Hamburg Wedding Photographer Torben Röhricht
Real Wedding | Stowe School, Buckingham, England | by Liguria, Italy Wedding Photographer Julian Kanz
Real Wedding | Umbria, Italy | Umbria Wedding Photographer Andrea Tappo