Essen, Germany Wedding Photographer +49(0)201 450 4709 2 May 03, 2011 Stefanie and Philipp
The season started with Stefanie & Phillip. Because of their jobs they often travel by plane so we had our portrait session in the Frankfurt airport. Thanks to the kind help of the airport, we were allowed in the vicinity of the runway. As a wedding photographer, of course, this is something we don’t have access to very often.
Essen, Germany Wedding Photographer +49(0)201 450 4709 2 May 03, 2011 Stefanie and Philipp
La Arboleda del Sur de Hotel Echaurren Wedding Photography - Rioja Wedding Photographer James Sturcke
Holga Wedding | Newton White Mansion, Mitchellville, MD | Washington DC Wedding Photographer Erin Antognoli | Vanessa and Jesse
Real Wedding | Florianopolis, SC, Brazil | by Florianopolis Wedding Photographer Fabricio Sousa
Real Wedding | Germany | Germany Wedding Photographer Georgii Shugol
Rouge National Urban Park Engagement Photos - Christina and Travis