Miami (FL) Wedding Photographer +1(786)6510725 Sep 24, 2010 M. Victoria & Nicolò
This was a fabulous union of two global trotters. M.Victoria, a Brazilian, and Nicolò, an Italian, that met each other in Paris!
They choose to get married in Sestri Levante, in one special small church, the same that Nicolo’s parents got married : The church of San Nicolò dell’ Isola, a 12th century romantic church. It’s located on the top of the peninsula of Sestri Levante, a very enchanting spot overlooking Silent Bay.
The decoration was in harmony with the simplicity of the church: olive branches and candle light. And this whole cozy and soft ambiance made the bride’s dress (a stunning Valentino with a hand made veil from Bruges) even more splendid but totally matching her rare beauty. Pale colors with aged pink and cream tones for the unbelievably pretty bridesmaids and page boys, also with Bruges hand made laces.
The wedding ceremony was celebrated at the Hotel Vis à Vis, a splendid 4 star hotel with a splendid view of 2 bays. They had 220 guests of which about 100 arrived from Brazil!
The flower designer combined many different flower decorations, to have a sort of wild but harmonious and chic ambiance. It is worthless to try to describe it in words, the pictures will talk alone.
Love was in the air !!
Miami (FL) Wedding Photographer +1(786)6510725 Sep 24, 2010 M. Victoria & Nicolò
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