Bucharest, Romania Wedding Photographer
http://www.raresion.com hello@raresion.com N/A Jun 30, 2014 Alina and Razvan
Alina and Razvan are kindred spirits. They are so positive and if you are near them you can feel the positive status going straight to your heart. Their wedding took place in Alina’s native town, Baia Mare (Romania), a nice and quiet city you should visit sometime.
The orthodox ceremony was held in a small church, and before, the Mayor himself has performed the marriage ceremony. The party was full of life and joy, as you can see in the wedding pictures below.
It was the one of the funniest weddings I ever photographed in Romania. I am glad I was a part of it.
photos ©Rares ION
Bucharest, Romania Wedding Photographer
http://www.raresion.com hello@raresion.com N/A Jun 30, 2014 Alina and Razvan
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