Seattle, Washington Wedding Photographer 2064862151 Mar 04, 2017 Lisa & Pierre
Lisa & Pierre | Willow Heights Mansion Wedding Photos | Morgan Hill, CA
It’s the start of the wedding season and I had the pleasure of flying down to the Bay Are to shoot Lisa and Pierre’s wedding at the beautiful & sprawling Willow Heights Mansion. The staff there was amazing and very professional. I enjoyed working with them immensely.
California has had a lot of rain and the foothills were unusually green. It was quite beautiful to see. If anyone has ever driven through CA before they know that it’s usually a very brown colored state.
Lisa and Pierre definitely knew how to entertain a crowd. The food choices were excellent. They had a full course meal, mini donuts stand, custom ice cream bar, and even a taco truck!
Pierre is a funny dude, I’m sure it helps in his line of duty as a SJPD officer. He had one of the best speeches I’ve heard in a long time and really made the whole wedding fun for everyone.
Lisa is the ideal model any photographer would love to have as a client. She looked amazing and she made my day easy.
Seattle, Washington Wedding Photographer 2064862151 Mar 04, 2017 Lisa & Pierre