Biarritz, France Wedding Photographer +33687360372 Sep 08, 2017 Aurore & Frank
Aurore and Frank, a french-german couple, decided to get married in Cap Ferret on the Bassin d'Arcachon in one of the most wonderful venue in France : the Cabane Bartherotte.
It was an uncertain september weather in the south of France.
The ceremony took place on the sand, naked feet, close to the water, with an unexpected sunbeam. Then the cocktail has been served on the jetty between the Bassin and the Atlantic Ocean, in the wind.
Finally, when the night came, a wooden marquee on top of the the dune, ptrotected everybody from the upcoming storm...
Biarritz, France Wedding Photographer +33687360372 Sep 08, 2017 Aurore & Frank
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