Madrid, Spain Wedding Photographer 658515045 Mar 04, 2017 JONAS Y YAIZA
In South America there are some beautiful birds that are called Guacamayas, they live in the humid jungle, they are of several colors, mainly blue, yellow, green and red ... but they are flying are beautiful, but if they are flying they are amazingly wonderful, it is difficult to describe the sensation of seeing a Macaw flying over the jungle or even among the trees of large cities in the north of its America ... But this is a wedding blog, you wonder why they are talking about birds? Well, it is said that the Guacamayas are the most romantic animals on earth, they say that they only have one partner during their whole life and that they live with her until her death ... They are birds of marriage, they share together, they live together, they nest together, and they fly together ... it is said that when the couple dies they die after a short time of sadness, it is also said that it is difficult to see a Macaw flying alone ... it seems impossible, it seems non-viable… So unviable and impossible, as book as Yaiza and Jonas ... Is that the love story of this couple is so script of a romantic comedy starring Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston, which seems to lie ... that's why the title of this video is your love really possible? It is difficult to write something that even hits the heels of what we feel at this wedding: both Yaiza and Jonas are re-friendly, and very kind, these boyfriends if they really broke the client barrier, it is difficult not to fall in their charms a few minutes after meeting them, they look like a couple of young people of 18 years, with a huge vitality, constant laughter and lasting complicity ...
Madrid, Spain Wedding Photographer 658515045 Mar 04, 2017 JONAS Y YAIZA
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