Athens, Greece Wedding Photographer +30 6944356180 Sep 01, 2018 Vagelis & Sophie
Vaggelis’s and Sophie’s wedding in Kythnos was truly an amazing experience!
We had our first photographic rendez-vous in London where we did a pre-wedding photoshoot!
From the first moment we spoke via skype we knew that it was going to be an amazing cooperation!
Our mutual sympathy and the love for each other was the magical combination.
You can feel the love they have for each other by just being in the same room with them!
It was a day full of emotions, full of happiness, a celebration of love with family and friends!
And the big plus to all that, the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen on a Greek island!
The place that Agios Giannis is situated is just magical!
Athens, Greece Wedding Photographer +30 6944356180 Sep 01, 2018 Vagelis & Sophie
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