Minneapolis, Minnesota Wedding Photographer
http://www.pennyphotographics.com penny@pennyphotographics.com 612-710-9415 Sep 22, 2019 Erin & Leanna
We knew each other as kids. Our dads worked together and were good friends. Our families spent time together- camping and fishing even spent some holidays together. We lost touch for almost 15 years and reconnected on Facebook. It all started with a "wink" and a compliment to my profile pic. I asked Leanna if she wanted to meet up and go on a date. She was surprised and she said yes. Not a day has gone by since the day we reconnected 3+ years ago that we have not talked. She means everything to me.
We decided to look at rings together. Leanna took me to Knox jewelers to just "look". I quickly loved the idea of making special rings for one another. I decided to have hers made to be ready for our first Christmas together- just 3 months after we started dating. I was a mess on the day of the proposal. I was driving down from Fargo to Minneapolis and she was flying from Denver to Minneapolis. My plan was to pick up the ring and put in in an elaborate set of Christmas boxes 5 total ranging from large to small. The ring was inside of a small bank we found at a cute store in Fargo. Leanna was messing with the key when I said "just open it" and proposed on the bed in our PJs. She proposed to me in July and it was also super cute- took me out to a nice dinner in Minneapolis and walked across the stone arch bridge and proposed at the end. I cried of course. Here we are 3 years later planning our wedding!
Minneapolis, Minnesota Wedding Photographer
http://www.pennyphotographics.com penny@pennyphotographics.com 612-710-9415 Sep 22, 2019 Erin & Leanna
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