Dylan Burr, Wedding Photographer

Denver, Colorado, United States Wedding Photographer
Denver, Colorado, United States Wedding Photographer - Dylan Burr, Wedding Photographer

Dylan Burr, Wedding Photographer

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Photography was always a passion but it didn’t really click (get it? Sorry, I’ll try to keep those jokes to a minimum) until my first daughter was born. Maybe I went a little overboard with the baby pics. But then a coworker, Michele, saw my passion and asked me to shoot her wedding (I’m not sure why she trusted me when I had no wedding experience, other than being at my own. Maybe she knew something I didn't yet…). That day changed my life.

Michele cried when she saw her photos. She and her mom were speechless. It moved me and I felt validated. I wanted more of it. I wanted to see people as they saw themselves, as they saw their loved ones, captured as they really are.

A single photo that captures a person’s true self can change their entire view of themselves. I’m not exaggerating or hyping this up to “sell” you.

This is what I believe. This is what I know and what I have experienced.

Contact Dylan Burr, Wedding Photographer